he next eclipse is a lunar eclipse and it occurs on March 23rd, three days after the Spring equinox.
A lunar eclipse, just as intense as a solar eclipse, removes old concepts, situations or circumstances and/or relationships. Since the lunar eclipse refers to the Moon, often what’s removed has to do with our emotional, familial and/or cultural foundations as well as our personal belief systems.

In a way, the Universe is offering us a wonderful opportunity.
Spring represents new life, opportunities and ideas and in many ways, a chance to start over. A lunar eclipse at or near that time offers us a chance to have a cosmic Spring clean-out of all that needs to be acknowledged and released.
Here is an empowering ceremony for making full use of this cosmic opportunity (perform by March 26th)
You will need two (2) pieces of paper, a pen or pencil and a potted plant (can be purchased from a garden or grocery store).
On the first piece of paper, write three (3) opportunities, ideas, circumstances and/or events you want to manifest in your life. Then, fold the paper until it’s about 1″ to 2″ square. Place the folded square in the soil of the potted plant about ¾ of the way down. Proceed to water and care for that plant every day, encouraging it to grow and bring your three items to fruition. Over the next three to six months, as you attend your plant, you’ll notice that your list of wishes is manifesting on the physical plane.
On the second piece of paper, write three (3) issues, relationships, situations and/or circumstances you want to leave your life. Then, tear that piece of paper into tiny pieces all the while repeating, “I release you from my life and energy field.” Place the tiny bits of paper in a bag and deposit the bag in a place you won’t be going back to (a dumpster is a great place because the contents of that dumpster will be picked up and taken to a landfill that you, in all probability, won’t be visiting). After you deposit the bits of paper, ‘dry wash’ your hands with either sea or Kosher salt. The salt will remove any energetic residue or impurities from the list. Flush the used salt down the toilet. Over the next three to six months, be mindful of your thoughts and you’ll begin to notice that those three items have less and less power and presence in your life. Happy Spring!
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